Главна колекција / Main Collection: Recent submissions
Prikaz rezultata 41-60 od 125
One Application of Discrete Mean Square Approximation For Prediction Of Voluntary Pension Fund Development
(University of Nis, Faculty of Science, 2020)In this paper we apply discrete mean square approximation to analysis of relation between average salary in Serbia, size of parameter FONDEX and number of voluntary pension fund members. We obtain two di erent approximation ... -
Some Remarks About Implementation of Elective Subjects in High Schools in Serbia
(Институт за менаџмент знања, Скопје, Македонија, 2020)In this work we analyze a research on the attitudes of students towards elective subjects. This research was conducted in 2019, on an appropriate sample of second grade students from five high schools in Serbia. In generally, ... -
The Digitalization of the Learning Process in Serbia During COVID-19 Crisis
(Педагошки факултет у Ужицу, 2020)The COVID-19 crisis significantly disturbed the teaching process in Serbia. The subject of this research is the reaction and response of Serbian educational system during this crisis. The aim of this paper is the analysis ... -
Упоредна анализа оквира дигиталних компетенција наставника у Србији и у Европској унији
(Учитељски факултет у Призрену - Лепосавић, 2019)Промене које је донела трећа индустријска револуција ‒ дигитална револуција, указују на све већи значај образовања и академског начина размишљања. Неопходно је да наставник XXI века буде у кораку с променама које се ... -
Како ученици петог разреда основне школе разумеју језик уџбеника математике?
(Институт за педагошка истраживања, Београд, 2022-06)Значајан и недовољно изучаван проблем у образовању у нашој земљи представља квалитет језика уџбеника. Ово питање је посебно важно разматрати из перспективе ученика (којима је дато наставно средство превасходно намењено) ... -
Fractal Nature Bridge between Neural Networks and Graph Theory Approach within Material Structure Characterization
(МДПИ Базел, Швајцарска, 2022)Many recently published research papers examine the representation of nanostructures and biomimetic materials, especially using mathematical methods. For this purpose, it is important that the mathematical method is simple ... -
Mathematical Approach to Distant Correlations of Physical Observables and Its Fractal Generalisation
(МДПИ Базел, Швајцарска, 2022)In this paper, the new mathematical correlation of two quantum systems that were initially allowed to interact and then separated is being formulated and analyzed. These correlations are illustrated by many examples and ... -
Distance Learning in Serbia - Expirience in Primary Education during COVID-19 Crisis
(Универзитет у Нишу, 2022)In this paper, we consider the response of the education system of the Republic of Serbia to the COVID-19 epidemiological crisis in relation to the teaching process and distance learning activities in primary schools in ... -
Српска средњовековна литература у курикулуму основних и средњих школа и стандарди ученичких постигнућа
(Универзитет у Нишу, Србија, 2021)У раду је анализирана заступљеност српске средњовековне књижевности у програмима наставе и учења за основну школу и за гимназију у Републици Србији. Циљ рада је да актуализује наставни садржај ове динамичне књижевности, ... -
The fractal interpolation applied on brownian motion particles trajectories reconstruction
(World Scientific Publishing Company (WSPC), Сингапур, 2022)The particles in condensed matter physics are almost characterized by Brownian motion. This phenomenon is the basis for a very important understanding of the particles motion in condensed matter. For our previous research, ... -
A New Neural Network Approach to Density Calculation on Ceramics Materials
(World Scientific Publishing Company (WSPC), Сингапур, 2022)The materials’ consolidation, especially ceramics, is very important in advanced research development and industrial technologies. Science of sintering with all incoming novelties is the base of all these processes. A very ... -
Fractal Correction in Advanced Solar Energy Materials Current-Voltage Equation
(World Scientific Publishing Company (WSPC), Сингапур, 2022)The world energy crisis necessitated the cause of the research interest into new, renewable and alternative energy sources. From this point of view, there is research on phenomena and different synthetic methods and on ... -
Thermal Parameters Defined With Graph Theory Approach in Synthetized Diamonds
(Институт ВИНЧА, Универзитет у Београду, Србија, 2022)The Nanocrystaline diamonds are very important biomedical material with variety of applications. The experimental procedures and results have been done in the Institute of Functional Nanosystems at the University Ulm, ... -
Sintering Temperature Influence On Grains Function Distribution By Neural Network Application
(Институт ВИНЧА, Универзитет у Београду, Србија, 2022)Artificial neural networks application in science and techonology begun during 20th century. This biophysical and biomimetic phenomena is based on extensive research which have led to understanding how neural as a living ... -
Discrete Mean Square Approximation Applied to Error Calculation in Biomolecules and Brownian Motion
(World Scientific Publishing Company (WSPC), Сингапур, 2021-09-27)Advanced research frontiers are extended from biophysics relations on the Earth upto the discovering any type of alive matter within the whole space. Microorganisms’ motion within the molecular biology processes integrates ... -
Функционалност, селективност и психометријске карактеристике задатака са пријемног испита за ученике са посебним способностима за информатику и рачунарство
(Учитељски факултет Београд, Србија, 2021)Предмет овог истраживања је квалитет задатака на тесту за пријемни испит за ученике са посебним способностима за информатику и рачунарство. Циљ истраживања је да се на основу метријских карактеристика (поузданост, ... -
Срењовековна литература и електронски ресурси у школама у XXI веку
(Центар за црквене студије,Универзитет у Нишу, Центар за византијско-словенске студије,Међународни центар за православне студије, 2021-03-03)Маргинализација средњовековне књижевности у наставним плановима и програмима започела је са друштвеним превирањима која су се одиграла средином двадесетог века. Од тада па до данас се са сваким новим програмом број дела и ... -
The 3D graph approach for breakdown voltage calculation in BaTiO3 ceramics
(World Scientific Publishing Company (WSPC), Сингапур, 2021)After pioneering attempts for the introduction of graph theory in the field of ceramics and microstructures, where 1D and 2D graphs were used, in this paper we applied 3D graphs for the breakdown voltage calculation in ... -
Neural Networks and Microelectronic Parameters Distribution Measurements depending on Sintering Temperature and Applied Voltage
(World Scientific Publishing Company (WSPC), Сингапур, 2020)This research is based on the idea to design the interface structure around the grains and thin layers between two grains, as a possible solution for deep microelectronic parameters integrations. The experiments have been ... -
Ceramics, Materials, Microelectronics and Graph Theory new Frontiers
(World Scientific Publishing Company (WSPC), Сингапур, 2020)This research is focused on further developing of application and use of graph theory in order to describe relations between grains and to establish control over layers. We used functionalized BaTiO3 nanoparticles coated ...