Приказ резултата 1-20 од 112

      BBC Micro: Bit, Teaching tool, New technologies, Primary education, Technical and informatics education [1]
      C-class function, Weak S-contraction, Fixed point [1]
      Ceramic materials, Microelectronic miniaturization, Fractals, Electrostatic field, Energy technologies [1]
      Ceramics, sintering, neural network, error, density [1]
      children with developmental delays, individualized approach, IEP [1]
      curricula, teaching strategies, teaching material, teaching content, PE teachers [1]
      curriculum, syllabus, motivation, individual sports, team sports [1]
      digitalization, distance learning, online education [2]
      educational software; implementation of educational software; student learning and participation in the classroom; innovative models; backwards design in lesson planning [1]
      Educational standards, Student achievements, General secondary education, Mathematical competences [1]
      elective subjects, teaching methods, satisfaction. [1]
      encouraging / gifted students / knowledge society / differentiated / teachers / environment that encourages the development / schooling [1]
      fractals, artificial neural networks, graph theory, materials [1]
      grains, ceramics, Minkowski hull, microelectronic [1]
      history of culture, history, education, pedagogy, history of education [1]
      informaciono-komunikacione tehnologije, pametan grad, fazi analitički hijerarhij- ski proces [1]
      Intergranular breakdown voltage, 3D graphs, grains [1]
      Intergranular capacitance change, graph theory, electronic signal, computing technology [1]
      intergranular capacitance change, graph theory, electronic signal, computing technology [1]
      Keywords: Migrant Children, Education System, Serbia [1]