Plasma zinc, copper and insulin levels after zinc supplementation in type 2 diabetic patients
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Станојевић, Зорица
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Zinc is ini.olved in s*veral firnctions in the iruman organism,including reguiatiorr
endocrinesecreti,,:nand insulin. Moreover-hiEh zinc intakerelative to copper
;e ma\rinduet cripporelefieiency,In ",tiewof thesef,acts,the airn of this study
s to evaluat* the ei'fects of tra'o tliffelent doses of zinc supplementation ofl
sma zinc anc{copper concentrations,tnsulin aredglucoselevels, and FtrOMAIR9'00.\lie studied 24 subjectslr'ith type 2 diabetesmellitus and 24 healthy
inJividuals.Zinc is gir.enas zinc gl*conateln dosesof 25 mglfuy and 5S rng/elay
during 15 rla-vs, r^,'ithrvashoutpeiiod (10 tt12i befweentreatmenls. lood samples
rlere drars,n aller an ervernight fasting in bcth gro$ps. bef,ore and after
ariministration of zinc gluconate.Compare t* haseline,plasmazinc concentration
incleased,while plasrnacopper concentrati{lndecreasedaf,terzine,supplementation
in dosesof 50 mglday in diabetic patients (p<0,S5).Tire Cu/Zn plasrnaratic
decreasedin diabeticpatientsafter zinc supplemeretationin dosesof 25 rnglday and
J0 mg/dayc*mparedrryitirtrasal'i.aluesmarkedbeforeadrninistrationip<0.05). As
erpected Cwl7'nplasmaratir: negativeh' *ott*tut.d rn'ithplasmazinc concerltration
after zinc supplementation(r:-0.61, p<0,001) in diatretii:spatients"Fasiing s€rum
insuiin, glucose and HO&,'IA-IR.%Pwere not significantly dilf'erent after zinc
supplementations comparetn baselinein bclthinvestigatedgroups.ln conclusion"
,zinc supplementationin higher doses of 50 mglday during 15 days shorved
red*ctian of- plasma copper ler,el and CwlZn plasrnaratio in true 2 diabetic
patients,without influenceon insulin andglucoselevels.
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