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Relationships between different types of affective temperaments and instagram addiction
(7th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions; Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2022-06-20)Background: Studies indicate that certain types of affective temperaments (cyclothymic, irritable and anxious) can be a risk factor for substance addiction. The relationship between affective temperaments and behavioral ... -
Internet-related variables negatively predicting quality of life and sleep during the pandemic
(34th ECNP Congress, 2021-10-02)Introduction: The coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is, in many ways, specific. In addition, the Internet usage during the pandemic has taken on a new dimension. On one hand, maintaining social contacts ... -
Attitudes of students of dentistry towards mentally ill patients
(33rd ECNP Congress, 2022-09-12)Background: The attitudes of society towards psychological disorders have not changed significantly through history, although the diagnosis and the possibility of their treatment have significantly improved. The results ... -
Navike u ishrani starih osoba sa dijagnozom hipertenzije
(7. Kongres hipertenzije sa medjunarodnim učešćem, Beograd, mart 2020, 2020-03-05)Stari imaju i posebne nutritivne potrebe. Siromaštvo, slaba institucionalna i instrumentalna podrška starima kao i vrlo često otudjenost od ostatka porodice, usamljenost su još neki u nizu problema populacije starih u ... -
Internet use during coronavirus disease of 2019 pandemic: Psychiatric history and sociodemographics as predictors
(Indian J Psychiatry, 2020-09)Coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and related containment measures have grossly affected the daily living and created a need for alternative ways of social communication and entertainment. The aim of this ... -
Assessing the symptoms of Internet Gaming Disorder among collegeuniversity students An international validation study of a self-report
(PSIHOLOGIJA, 2020)The present study evaluated the psychometric properties of a self-report scale for assessing Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) symptoms according to the DSM–5 and ICD–11 among 3270 college/university students (2095 [64.1%] ... -
The Development of Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris, and San Diego - Auto-questionnaire for Adolescents (A-TEMPS-A) in a Serbian Sample
(Psychiatria Danubina, 2019-04-04)Background: Previous studies suggest that temperament features of adolescents may be good predictors of the development of future psychopathology in this population. The aim of the study was to adapt the content and ... -
Obrazovanje kao faktor od značaja za prevazilaženje stresa kod mladih zaposlenih u industriji igara na sreću
(Medical Data, 2019)Uvod/Cilj. Brojna istraživanja potvrdila su da stres na radnom mestu može imati negativne posledice po zdravlje zaposlenih. Postoji više faktora koji utiču na intenzitet reagovanja na stres i izbor mehanizama za njegovo ... -
Attitudes of students from the high medical college of professional studies and nurses towards people suffering from dementia
(Serbian journal of experimental and clinical research, 2019-03)Dementia is characterized by a progressive decrease in cognitive functions, and the term includes different etiologies. Cognitive decline includes loss of memory and deterioration in executive functions, such as planning ... -
Microbiological criteria for the dietary products testing in public health institute – Niš (2014-2018)
(53 Day of Preventive Medicine, 2019-09-24)Objectives: Based on the Law on Food Safety, Official Gazette of RS no. 41/2009, testing of dietary products health safety is conducted in precisely denoted laboratories in different institutions on the territory of the ... -
Physical-chemical parameters for testing dietary products in public health institut
(53 Day of Preventive Medicine, 2019-09-24)Objectives: Testings as a part of checking physical-chemical parameters of dietary products are conducted on request of Border Sanitary Inspection, Republic Sanitary Inspection for the Nišava and Toplica District or ... -
Affective temperaments among adolescents (measured by A-TEMPS-A) and their correlations with Internet usage
(Prvi simpozijum Klinike za psihijatriju sa međunarodnim učešćem, 2019-11-14)Увод: На основу задатака Светске Здравствене Организације, Ментална Хигијена између осталог посебну пажњу посвећује менталном здрављу адолесцената. Због карактеристика адолесценције и чињенице да су адолесценти најчешћи ... -
Attitudes of medical students toward thanatophobia
(3rd International Conference on Bioethics in the New Age of Science, 2019-10-10)Inroduction: Studies show that people who have incurable diseases say that most of the time the doctor (and other medical staff) spends with them, they feel ignored, as if they did not exist. The assumption is that the ... -
Correlation between Instagram addiction and the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress
(EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 2019)Introduction: Despite the fact that the number of individuals that now use Instagram across the world is approximately 800 million monthly and 500 million daily active users [1], very little is known about Instagram ... -
The dietary pattern of patients with schizophrenia: preliminary results
(27 European congress of psychiatry, 2019-04-06)Introduction: Patients suffering from schizophrenia have reduced life expectancy compared to the general population, primarily because of earlier occurrence of cardiovascular disease. This condition can be explained through ... -
Which subjectively perceived side-effects occur the most in high-dose clozapine use
(31st ECNP Congress - Barcelona, 2018., 2018)Background: Awareness of severe clozapine side-effects is an important factor for good therapeutic alliance and for prevention of treatment discontinuation. Professionals worry the most about agranulocytosis and routine ... -
Problematic internet use and Facebook use among adolescents
(31st ECNP Congress - Barcelona 2018, 2018)Background: Despite the fact that Internet use may lead to a wide spectrum of different disorders, Problematic Internet Use (PIU) has still not been included in classifications of mental disorders. Also, more and more ... -
Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) for patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC)
(53 Days of Preventive Medicine – International congress, Institute of public health Nis, 2018-09-25)Objectives: Profilactic whole brain (or cranial) irradiation (PCI) reduce incidence of brain metastasis and benefits patients with SCLC. Materials and methods: Based on literature review. Results: Approximately 10% of ... -
Problematic Internet use, academic achievement and socioeconomic status
(Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2018)Background: Problematic Internet use (PIU) encompasses various online activities. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between PIU, academic achievement and socioeconomic status among adolescents in ... -
Facebook Use Among Adolescents in Serbia – epidemiological study
(2.hrvatski kongres o mentalnom zdravlju djece i mladih s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, “Mentalno zdravlje djece i mladih bogatstvo naroda, 2018-05-18)Background and aim:Facebook (FB) is a non-separable part of the adolescents social life. Among other things, it contributes to a better information exchange of various contents, and it is used for communication. ...