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dc.contributor.authorСтанишић, Славиша
dc.identifier.citationИндустрија производње олова и цинка, последице по становништво и уређење и заштита екосистема TR37016en_US
dc.identifier.citationИндустрија производње олова и цинка, последице по становништво и уређење и заштита екосистема TR37016en_US
dc.description.abstractUvod: Izpostavljenost elektromagnetnemu valovanju (EMV) in radiofrekvenčnemu polju iz brezžičnih komunikacij bi lahko vplivala na zdravje ljudi z nastankom degenerativnih obolenj in tumorjev. V raziskavi smo proučili učinke EMV na človeške kožne fibroblaste. Metode: Linijo humanih kožnih fibroblastov (Detroit 551, ATCC CCL-110) smo gojili pri standardnih pogojih. Ce-lice smo izpostavili EMV frekvence 900 MHz v časovnih intervalih 2, 4, 6 in 24 ur ter jih primerjali s kontrolo. Rezultati: Z obema metodama za določanje viabilnosti celic smo potrdili vpliv EMV na fibroblaste. Proliferacija je bila najvišja po 6 urah v primerjavi s kontrolo, po 24 pa je začela upadati. Celic, izpostavljenih EMV (160.000 celic/ml), je bilo po 24 urah dvakrat več v primerjavi s kontrolo (80.000 celic/ml). Pri celicah, ki so bile izpostavljene EMV, se je spremenila morfologija – iz fibroblastne v bolj epitelijsko. Zaključek: Humani kožni fibroblasti v kulturi so uporaben celič-ni model za proučevanje vpliva EMV na človeške celice. Raziskava je pokazala, da je EMV vplivalo na viabilnost in število celic ter na spremembo morfologije. Sklepamo, da EMV vpliva na celični cikel s pospeševanjem proliferativne aktivnosti in povzročanjem citopatskih učinkov.Ključne besede: elektromagnetno valovanje, brezžični telefon, celična kultura, humani kožni fi-broblasti, viabilnostIntroduction: The exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) form mobile telephones may af-fect human health. However, the exact influence of EMR on cellular biology is still unclear. The effects of EMR on human fibroblasts were studied. Methods: Human skin fibroblasts cell line was used. Cell culture was exposed to EMR of 900 MHz at the time intervals of 2, 4, 6 and 24 hours and compared with controls. Cell viability was evaluated with crystal-violet and MTT tests. Results: The effect of EMR on fibroblasts was confirmed. Compared to the control, the proliferation was highest 6 hours and after 24 hours it began to decline. After 24 hours of EMR exposure, the num-ber of cells doubled (160000 cells/ml vs. 80000 cells/ml). In the culture exposed to EMR, the mor-phology changed from fibroblast to a more epithelial one. Conclusions Human skin fibroblasts represent a useful in vitro model for studying the effects of EMR. The effects on cell viability, number of cells and morphology were observed. The EMR may affect the cell cycle by promoting proliferation and causing cytopathic effects. Further research is needed in order to determine the potential safe dose of radiation and the effects on other cell lines.Key words: electromagnetic radiation, mobile telephone, cell culture, human skin fibroblasts, cell viability7. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: PRIHODNOST ZDAJ!ZBORNIK POVZETKOV200en_US
dc.publisher7th Scientific Conference with International Participaton All About People: Future Fit!en_US
dc.titleVpliv elektromagnetnega valovanja na humane kožne fibroblaste = The influence of electromagnetic waves on human skin fibroblastsen_US
dc.title.alternative7th Scientific Conference with International Participaton All About People: Future Fit!en_US

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