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dc.contributor.authorСтанишић, Славиша
dc.identifier.citationИндустрија производње олова и цинка, последице по становништво и уређење и заштита екосистема TR37016en_US
dc.description.abstractIntegrative medicine is based on a number of its principles. The principle of accessibility is achieved by providing health care to the citizens, which is physically, geographically and economically but also culturally acceptable. The principle of universality is achieved by involving all citizens and im - plementing integrated measures and procedures, health promotion, disease prevention at all lev - els, early diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. The principle of continuous quality improvement is realized through measures and activities that are in line with modern achievements of medical science and practice, increasing the possibility of a favourable outcome. Evidence-based medicine is the careful, thoughtful use of the best evidence from the medical liter - ature in the decision to treat a particular patient. This means that the individual clinical experience must be integrated with the results of clinical studies that are well-placed methodologically, and the results have clinical significance. Evidence-based medicine is the integration of clinical experience, the value system of the patient and the best evidence in the literature. The evidence does not by itself lead to conclusions, but it assists in determining the best treatment of the patient. Integrative medicine based on the evidence includes an extended application of the principles of evidence-based medicine in the whole health care system, i.e. all professionals involved in the provision of health care.en_US
dc.publisherAlma Mater Europaea ECM in Slovenia. V: MACUHen_US
dc.titleScientific research and evidence-based medicine : the basis of integrative medicine at the European congress ECIM 2018 in Sloveniaen_US
dc.title.alternativeAlma Mater Europaea ECM in Slovenia. V: MACUHen_US
dc.subject.keywordshealth care, medical science, evidence-based medicine, quality of professional worken_US



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