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Приказ резултата 1-20 од 93
Uticaj morfina na razvoj ulkusnoh lezija pacova kod pacova izloženih indometacinskom stresu.
(Praxis medica, Медицински факултет Приштина,, 0350-8773, 2018., 2018)Oksidativni stres ima značajnu ulogu u razvoju stres ulkusnih lezija pacova izloženih indometacinskom stresu. Endogeni opioidi se oslobađaju tokom stresa i mogu ublažiti pojavu ulkusnih lezija u želucu. Cilj ovog istraživanja ... -
(Physical Education and Sport,, 2018)A fast reaction to visual stimuli is important for the success of any athlete. A fast reaction time enables a quick response in key situations. We have studied how age, sport engagement, moderate physical activity and ... -
(Praxis medica, Медицински факултет Приштина,, 0350-8773, 2018., 2018)Valjanost pokazuje u kojoj meri postoji slaganje rezultata mernog instrumenta sa onim što je navedeno da bi test trebalo da meri. Тri glavna tipa valjanosti su: sadržinskа, kriterijumskа i konstruktivnа valjanost. Poseban ... -
(Praxis medica, Медицински факултет Приштина, 2018)Na Institutu za Sudsku medicinu u Beogradu u periodu od 2006-2015 godine, obdukavano je ukupno 351 narkomana. Najčešće je poreklo smrti bilo zadesno a uzrok smrti koriščenje psihoaktivnih supstanci 219 (62.4%), slede ... -
The effect of morphine on development of ulcer lesions of the rats exposed to indomethacin induced stress
(Praxis medica, Медицински факултет Приштина, 2018)Oksidativni stresima znaiajnu uloguu razvojustresutkusnihtezijapacovaiztoZenihindometacinskomstresu.Endogeniopioidiseostobadajutokomstresai moguubtaiiti pojavuul.kusnihtezijau ietucu. Citj ovogistrazivanjabioje da le ... -
Concentrations of sodium 3α-7α-dihydroxy-12-oxo 5 β cholanate in biological material after its intravenous and intranasal application
(Praxis medica, Медицински факултет Приштина, 2018)Newtysynthetizedderivativeof bile acid, sodiumsalt of 3o, 7o-dihydroxy-12-oxo 58 cholanicacid (monoketocholanate)expresseda goodcharacteristicasintranasal transportenhancerof xenobiotics.Theaim of our sudywasto exploreif ... -
A geographical information systems-based approach to health facilities and urban traffic system in Belgrade, Serbia
(Geospatial Health, 2018)We studiedthe geospatialdistribution of health facilities in Belgrade,the capital of the Republic of Serbia,in relation to the public transportsystem.Analysesin this researchwere basedon advanced geographical information ... -
Problematic Internet use, academic achievement and socioeconomic status
(Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2018)Background: Problematic Internet use (PIU) encompasses various online activities. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between PIU, academic achievement and socioeconomic status among adolescents in ... -
Which subjectively perceived side-effects occur the most in high-dose clozapine use
(31st ECNP Congress - Barcelona, 2018., 2018)Background: Awareness of severe clozapine side-effects is an important factor for good therapeutic alliance and for prevention of treatment discontinuation. Professionals worry the most about agranulocytosis and routine ... -
Problematic internet use and Facebook use among adolescents
(31st ECNP Congress - Barcelona 2018, 2018)Background: Despite the fact that Internet use may lead to a wide spectrum of different disorders, Problematic Internet Use (PIU) has still not been included in classifications of mental disorders. Also, more and more ... -
(2018)Uvod: Samoprocenjeno zdravstveno stanje obezbeđuje uopšteni pristup u stvaranju slike o zdravstvenom stanju populacije. Cilj rada: je da prikaže povezanost različitih kategorija samoprocenjenog zdravstvenog stanja ... -
Affective temperaments and problematic Internet use in Adolescence, 26th European Congress of Psychiatry
(Jurnal of European Psychiatry Association, 2018-03)Introduction.– Investigating temperament types in adolescents is very important. Studies have suggested that certain affective temperament types are considerably more important for the development of symptoms of certain ... -
The achievements and vision of the European congress of integrative medicine ECIM 2018
(Alma Mater Europaea ECM in Slovenia, 2018-03-09)The aim of the congress is to promote health and develop integrated and sustainable treatment for acute and chronic diseases. Health is not just the absence of disease; it is a state of physical, mental, emotional ... -
Scientific research and evidence-based medicine : the basis of integrative medicine at the European congress ECIM 2018 in Slovenia
(Alma Mater Europaea ECM in Slovenia. V: MACUH, 2018-03-09)Integrative medicine is based on a number of its principles. The principle of accessibility is achieved by providing health care to the citizens, which is physically, geographically and economically but also culturally ... -
Problematic Internet use, academic achievement and socioeconomic status
(Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2018-04-23)Problematic Internet use (PIU) encompasses various online activities. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between PIU, academic achievement and socioeconomic status among adolescents in Serbia. ... -
Facebook Use Among Adolescents in Serbia – epidemiological study
(2.hrvatski kongres o mentalnom zdravlju djece i mladih s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, “Mentalno zdravlje djece i mladih bogatstvo naroda, 2018-05-18)Background and aim:Facebook (FB) is a non-separable part of the adolescents social life. Among other things, it contributes to a better information exchange of various contents, and it is used for communication. ... -
Gastroesophageal reflux disease and functional dyspepsia – what is the real burden on healthrelated quality of life
(Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo, 2018-07)Introduction/Objective Recently published studies have addressed the significant impairment of healthrelated quality of life (HRQoL) in patients suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and functional dyspepsia ... -
Korelacija tkivnog androgen statusa, Gleason score-a i fokalne neuroendokrine diferencijacije u netretiranim karcinomima prostate.
(VI kongres Srpskog anatomskog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 2018-09-07)Uvod sa ciljevima: Prisustvo fokalne neuroendokrine diferencijacije (FNED) u karcinomima prostate (KP) je kontroverzne prirode. Smatra se da je u direktnoj vezi sa visokim Gleason score- om (GS, odnosno gorom prognozom. ... -
The effects of tramadol on pathohistological alterations of gastric mucosa in stressed rats.
(VI kongres Srpskog anatomskog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 2018-09-07)Introduction and aim: The aim of our research was to examine the effect of tramadol on presence of stress-induced ulcer lesions, as well as pathohistological alterations of gastric mucosa in rats exposed to cold restraint ... -
Карактеристике базоцелуларног карцинома коже главе на територији Косова и Метохије - ретроспективна студија.
(VI конгрес Српског анатомског друштва Србије са међународним учешћем, 2018-09-07)Uvod: Bazocelularni karcinom-BCK se najčešće javlja na koži glave, kao posledica dejstva UV zračenja. Cilj ove studije je utvrditi učestalost, polnu distribuciju, lokalizaciju, kliničke i histološke karakteristike BCK kože ...