Под утицајем различитих фактора и неминовних
променама које настају на тржишту рада долази и до измена у уређивању
радних односа и облика у којима се рад одвија.Промене до којих долази
условљавају другачију организацију процеса рада и другачије односе међу
субјектима који у њему учествују. Долази до флексибилизације радних
односа и реформи у области рада. Аутор у раду настоји указати на
тенденције и промене које настају на тржишту рада а које за последицу имају
измене у области уређивања радних односа. Циљ рада јесте указивање на
карактеристике флексибилних облика рада, постојање лажне
флексибилизације али и укаживање на значај квалитетног и стабилног
уређења радних односа и предузимање одређених мера како би се спречила
злоупотреба у домену радних односа и повећала запосленост. Influenced by different factors in the world, society and changing times,
changes affects the labour law as well. Labour law institutes face a new order in
which they must change and adapt to both increasingly flexible forms of working
relationships and changes concerning the matter that labour legislation regulates in
its entirety. In fact, the altered opportunities and circumstances that arise in the
labour market of the Republic of Serbia require change. The author strives to point
out the tendencies and changes that arise in the labour market and result in changes
in the field of work relations editing and changes in the forms in which the work
takes place. "World of Work" is in a period of rapid and fundamental change.
These changes condition a different organization of the work process and different
relationships among the subjects involved. The first part of the paper relates to
historical review and changes in the environment and structure of the working
relationship. Then innovation in the form of employment and possible
flexibleization with a reference to the notion of false flexible working
relationships. The second part of the paper points to labour reforms. Reforms that
labour law institutes and domestic positive labor legislation have undergone, and
ones that should happen to ensure stability of employment. Today's state of affairs
regarding employee rights and the absence of protection of the growing number of
employees in invisible sectors of the economy, especially online, suggests that
access to employment rights will have to change fundamentally. The direction
should certainly not be a further collapse of the rights of employees, but vice
versa, to find solutions that will contribute to decent working conditions and the
dignified existence of all who live off their work and will contribute to social
stability, rather than enter an uncertain period of social unrest. The reform
measures being taken should, on the one hand, go towards real and fuchsing
flexible labour, and on the other hand, should prevent mass abuses in the field of
employment and increase employment. Therefore, the subject of research in this
paper is the labour market and working relationships in the context of flexibility.
The aim of the work is to highlight the importance of quality and stable
arrangement of working relations, as well as perspectives and possible solutions de
lege ferend. The long-term goal in the field of labour policy should be full-time
employment, but based on healthy and realistic economic fundamentals.
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