A Stochastic Model for Achieving Required Level of Availability Based on the Repair Rate Analysis
Datum postavljanja dokumenta
Контрец, Наташа
Петровић, Милена
Панић, Стефан
Милошевић, Хранислав
Prikaz svih podataka o dokumentuApstrakt
The aim of this paper is to set framework for the repair rate in order to achieve required availability of a repairable system with alternating renewal process where the failure rate is Weibull distributed. In order to accomplish this goal, this paper proposes a novel model for a complete stochastic analysis of the repair rate. The resulting equation for probability density function of the repair rate enables precise modelling of the repair rate process for related values of availability and failure rate. The obtained results can be used for dynamic forecasting of system’s characteristics, planning of maintenance activities, inventory and servicing capacities.
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