Fizički profil rvača prve i druge lige Srbije u odnosu na model izračunavanja fizičke pripremljenosti na specifičnom rvačkom fitnes testu
Physical profile of wrestlers if the first and second league of Serbia in relation to the model of calculation of physical fitness on the specific wrestlers fitness test
Datum postavljanja dokumenta
Marković, Milan
Toskić, Lazar
Dopsaj, Milivoj
Kasum, Goran
Zarić, Ivan
Prikaz svih podataka o dokumentuApstrakt
Dijagnostika fizičkih karakteristika je važan deo trenažnog procesa, a posebnu pažnju u dijagnostici performanse rvača treba da bude postavljena na anaerobno-laktatne energetske sisteme. Predmet ovog rada su parametri fizičke pripremljenosti rvača, sa aspekta njihove uspešnosti na primenjenom testu. Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrde razlike u nivou specifične fizičke pripremljenosti rvača u odnosu na model izračunavanja, između rvača različitog takmičarskog nivoa. Uzorak ispitanika je činilo 26 rvača - 10 koji se takmiče u Prvoj ligi Srbije i 16 koji se takmiče u Drugoj ligi Srbije. “Specific Wrestling Fitness Test” (SWFT) se sastoji iz tri segmenta bacanja po 30 sekundi, između kojih je odmor od 20 sekundi. Radi relativizovanja opterećenja u testu su korićene tri rvačke lutke različite težine, a tehnika prednji pojas kao standardno bacanje za sve ispitanike. Multivarijantna analiza varijanse (MANOVA) i t-test su korišćeni za utvrđivanje razlika između grupa. Analizom funkcionalnih vrednosti, do petog minuta oporavka, utvrđeno je da bez obzira na takmičarski nivo funkcionalni odgovor organizma na zadato operećenje je isto. Sa aspekta metaboličkog odgovora organizma utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika samo u petom minutu oporavka (SWFT_La5min: p = 0.041), kao odgovor bolje metaboličke pripremljenosti, tj. mogućnosti da organizam sintetiše veće koncentracije laktata. Na osnovu ostvarenih rezultata modela izračunavanja parametara fizičke pripremljenosti (SWFT_TNthrows, SWFT_SJFINDEX, SWFT_NEWINDEX) utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika (p = 0.000) u sva tri modela izračunavanja, tj. različit nivo adaptiranosti ispitivanih grupa za realizaciju visokih opterećenja, koja zahtevaju visoku frekvenciju pulsa kao i koncentraciju laktata, za dati vremenski period. Diagnostics of physical characteristics is an important part of the training process, and special attention in the diagnostics of wrestler performance should be placed on anaerobic-lactate energy systems. The subject of this paper is the parameters of wrestler physical fitness, from the aspect of their success on the applied test. The aim of the research is to determine the differences in the level of specific physical fitness of wrestler in relation to the calculation model, between wrestlers of different competitive levels. The sample consists of 26 wrestlers - 10 competiting in the First league of Serbia and 16 competiting in the Second league of Serbia. Specific Wrestling Fitness Test (SWFT) consists of three 30-second throwing segments, among which a break of 20 seconds. In order to relativize the load in the test, three worm dummies of different weights were used, and the technique was the front belt as a standard throw for all respondents. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and t-test were used to determine differences between groups. By analyzing the functional values, up to the fifth minute of recovery, it has been established that regardless of the competitive level, the functional response of the organism to the given load is the same. From the aspect of the metabolic response of the organism, a statistically significant difference was found only in the fifth minute of recovery (SWFT_La5min: p = 0.041), in response to better metabolic preparedness, i.e. possibilities for the body to synthesize higher concentrations of lactate. Based on the results of the model for the calculation of the physical fitness parameters (SWFT_TNthrows, SWFT_SJFINDEX, SWFT_NEWINDEX), a statistically significant difference (p = 0.000) was established in all three calculation models, i.e. a different level of adaptation of the tested groups for the realization of high loads, which require a high pulse frequency as well as a lactate concentration for a given time period.
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