Concentrations of sodium 3α-7α-dihydroxy-12-oxo 5 β cholanate in biological material after its intravenous and intranasal application
Newtysynthetizedderivativeof bile acid, sodiumsalt of 3o, 7o-dihydroxy-12-oxo 58 cholanicacid (monoketocholanate)expresseda goodcharacteristicasintranasal transportenhancerof xenobiotics.Theaim of our sudywasto
exploreif it hasan influenceon bile metabotismandto measureits concentrationin btoodand biLeafter intiavenous
andintranasal administr,ation.
The experimentwas performedin vivo on adult ma(eWistarrats. The determinationof monoketocholanate
(MKCh) in rats bloodand bile, was carriedout by high-performance Liquidchromatography(HPLC),on an Hp ODS2
cotumn,usingmethanot/acetonitrile/acetatebuffer as mobitephase.Absorbances were measuredat 210 nm.Btood
sampteswere takenfrom the preparedright axittaryartery in 0, 1, 5, 10,20,30, 60, gO,1ZOand 180minutesfrom
the beginningof the experiment.Bitewascotl,ectedin a hatf an hourintervals,duringthe three hourperiod.The resuttsshowedthat MKChchangedthe amountof excretedbite dependingon the way of application.Intranasal appticationincreasedthe bitevolumeandthe MKChconcentration, bothin btoodandbite comparedto the intravenouiipptication(p<0.05).
Distributionmof MKChthroughanimal organismdependson the way of appl,icationof the substance,which
probabty determinesits caracterisationas the transport promotorof apptiedxenobiotics.HPLChasproved as aa
relativelysimpte,fast andeffectivemethodfor the determinationof syntheticbite acid,MKChin theseLiotogicat materials.
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