A geographical information systems-based approach to health facilities and urban traffic system in Belgrade, Serbia
We studiedthe geospatialdistribution of health facilities in
Belgrade,the capital of the Republic of Serbia,in relation to the
public transportsystem.Analysesin this researchwere basedon
advanced geographical information systems using numerical
methods.We calculatedaccessibilityto healthcentresasbasedon
public transportpropertiesaccountingfor the movementof citizens,aswell aspatients,throughthecity. Basedon results,thecity
ofBelgrade hasamoderatoconhectivity.public healthcontresand
a group ofother healthcentresin the central-eastpart ofthe cityhaveabetterconnectivity.A1$o,in thispaperwe estimatedthatthe
averagetime necessaryto reach health facilities on foot is 100
minutesandby public ffansportvehiclessuchasbuses,tramsand
trolleysis 42 minutes
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