Датум постављања документа
Јовић-Прлаиновић, Олга
Приказ свих података о документуАпстракт
Сви облици насиља, злостављања, злоупотреба или занемаривања детета којима се угрожава или нарушава физички, психички или морални интегритет личности детета представљају грубо кршење права детета на живот, опстанак и развој.
Дете има право на слободу од свих облика насиља, па у том смислу, Конвенција УН о правима детета као врховни ауторитет у домену људских права детета, прописује обавезу држава чланица да примене мере за спречавање и сузбијање насиља над децом и да обезбеде заштиту детета од насиља у породици, школи, установама и широј друштвеној средини, и у дигиталном простору.
Стратешко уређење области заштите деце од насиља један је од приоритета националне политике, али упркос напорима у протеклом периоду за унапређењем законодавног оквира још увек није успостављен функционални систем превенције и заштите од насиља. У циљу усклађивања унутрашњег законодавства са стандардима успостављеним у међународним документима о људским правима дужност је Републике Србије да интензивно реформише регулативни механизам који се односи на превенцију и спречавање насиља над децом. In this paper author states that all forms of violence, abuse or neglect of
children undermining the physical, psychological or moral integrity of the child's
personality constitute a violation of the rights of the child to life, survival and development. The child has the right to freedom from all forms of violence, and in
that sense, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as the supreme authority
in the domain of human rights of children prescribes the obligation of States
Parties to apply measures to prevent and combat violence against children and to
ensure the protection of the child against violence in the family, in schools, in
institutions and in the wider social environment, and in the digital space. In the
Republic of Serbia, strategic regulation of the area of protection of children against
violence is one of the priorities of national politics, but despite the efforts in the
past period to improve the legislative framework, a functional system of
prevention and protection against violence has not yet been established. In order to
harmonize internal legislation with the standards established in international
human rights documents, the duty of the Republic of Serbia is to intensively
reform the regulatory mechanism for the prevention and prevention of violence
against children. Committee on the Rights of the Child in Concluding observations
on the combined second and third periodic reports of Serbia (2017) recommends to
the State party to establish legislative and other measures for protection of children
from abuse and violence, in coordination with the ombudsman, establish a
monitoring mechanism to ensure that all children in institutions and alternative
care are free from all forms of torture and inhumane or degrading treatment, and
ensure that they have access to a confidential, safe and child-friendly mechanism for complaints related to their deprivation of liberty, their conditions of detention
or internment and their treatment, ensure that preventative mechanisms are
established to protect children with intellectual and other psychosocial
impairments from any kind of physical or sexual violence and establish
compulsory training courses on violence against children for all relevant
professionals, ensure efficient cooperation, coordination and data sharing between
child protection services, the police and the justice system.
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