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dc.contributor.authorGudžić N., Nebojša G., Slaviša G., Miroljub A., Jasmina K., Aleksandar Đ., Gordana Š., Gudžić S., Aksić M., Knežević J., Đikić A., Šekularac G.,
dc.identifier.citation31054 Развој нових технологија гајења стрних жита на киселим земљиштима применом савремене биотехнологије Министарство просвете науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србијеen_US
dc.description.abstractLimited fertility of acid soils is caused by a high concentration of H+ and Al3+ ions, presence of some organic acids and heavy metals, but also by a low accessibility of some nutrients (P, Ca, Mg, B, Zn, particularly Mo) and a low microbial activity. This study has been conducted to determine the effects of three levels of liming (partial – 1/3 Y1, half – 1/2 Y1, and complete liming) on the neutralization of the acid reaction, a high content of mobile Al3+, and changes in the concentrations of available forms of Fe, Zn, and Cu in а Dystric Cambisol soil. The complete liming almost completely neutralized the acid reaction, and decreased the level of mobile Al3+ below 1.0 mg kg-1. There has been a satisfactory degree of decrease in pH and Al3+ in partial (1/3 of Y1) and half (1/2 of Y1) liming. No level of liming had a significant influence on the content of available forms of Fe and Cu, while the content of Zn decreased in accordance to the level of applied lime material and it was the lowest at the maximum doses of CaO applied. The level of changes caused by partial and half-liming has justified these levels of acid repairing, which can be of significant ecological and economic importance.en_US
dc.titleThe influence of liming on the acidity level of dystric cambisol and content of available forms of: iron, zinc and copperen_US
dc.subject.keywordsDystric Cambisol, liming, aluminum, micro nutrientsen_US



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