Природно-математички факултет: Recent submissions
Prikaz rezultata 201-220 od 269
Relationship between outdoor radon concentrations and meteorological parameters
In order to establish radon levels in outdoor atmosphere radon measurements were performed during the fifteen days by alpha spectrometric measuring method with detector Airthings Corentium Home. Measuring point was at 0.5 ... -
Radon anomalies as precursors of a recent earthquake: A case study of Kosovska Mitrovica environment
Spike-like peaks in the concentration of radon gas prior to a major earthquake are attributed to release different gases (CO2, CH4, H2S, SO2, H2 suitable for the transport of radon to the earth’s surface) due to pre-seismic ... -
The influence of montmorillonite activating method on the hydrolytic stability of urea-formaldehyde resin
(Faculty of Technology, Leskovac, 2019-10-18)Montmorillonite clays are of great importance for processes such as adsorption and catalysis and polymer composites fabrication . The textural properties of this filler can be modified to increase their application. In ... -
Uticaj razlicitih doza y-zračenja na hidrolitičku stabilnost modifikovanih urea-formaldehidnih (UF) smola
(Srpsko hemijsko drustvo, 2018-05-30)Zbog emisije formaldehida (CH2O) iz drvenih proizvoda, gde se urea- formaldehidne (UF) smole, izmedu ostalog, koriste za impregnaciju drvenih panela koje se koriste u unutrašnjosti stambenih i drugih objekata pozeljno ... -
Strukturiranje elastomernih materijala za primenu u poljoprivredi
(UNIVERZITET U KRAGUJEVCU, AGRONOMSKI FAKULTET U ČAČKU, 2019-03-15)Poljoprivreda i poljoprivredna industrija zahtevaju elastomeme proizvode koji mogu izdržati dugotrajnu izloženost ekstremnim naponima i hemikalijama. Elastomeri dobijeni od etilen-propilen-dienskog kaučuka (EPDM) nalaze ... -
(Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku, 2018-03-09)Kod recikliranja otpadne gume neophodno je poznavati hemijski sastav otpadnog proizvoda, ukoliko će se on koristiti u recepturama za nove hibridne elastomerne materijale. Kompozitni elastomerni materijali dobijeni od ... -
(University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, 2022-10-20)The effect of different montmorillonites (KSF and K10) and their modifications (Na-KSF, Na-K10) on content of formaldehyde-FA (free and liberated) modified urea-formaldehyde (UF) composites was investigated. KSF and K10 ... -
A Sensitive Voltammetric Sensor for Caffeic Acid Made from Thermolised Modified UF Resins With Incorporated Fe(III) and Ti(IV) Oxide Particles
(University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, 2022-10-20)Domestic high performance electrode material was prepared by thermolysis of in situ synthesized urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins modified with Fe(III) nitrate and Ti(IV) oxide in different combinations: iron salt and UF resins ... -
Cross-linked bio/inorganically modified urea-formaldehyde resins: influence of γ-radiation on formaldehyde content
(2022-06-13)The effect of γ–irradiation on hydrolytic stability of nano-silica, nano-titania, and wood flour (WF) modified urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins was investigated. Modified UF resin with wood flour (Pinus silvestris L.) as ... -
Applications of conductive polymers in modern technologies
(University PIM, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, B&H, 2022-06-02)Polymers are the subject of intensive research and development, not only in science but also in industry. In the last few years, many studies have been conducted on conjugated polymers, and this study of polymers has ... -
Correlation between methods of activation of montmorilonite K10 and formaldehyde content in urea-formaldehyde composites
(Faculty of Management Herceg Novi, 2022-05-26)In this paper, the methods of activation of montmorillonite (MMT) K10 with the content of formaldehyde (FA) in urea-formaldehyde (UF) composites are compared. MMT K10 samples were activated in two ways: thermally(physical ... -
Irradiation resistance of elastomeric composites based on NR/CSM blend and waste rubber powder
(RAD Centre, Niš, Serbia, 2021-06-14)Effect of waste rubber particles (WTR) size on elastomers based on natural rubber and chlorosulfonated polyethylene rubber (NR/CSM= 50:50) was studied. Two types of WTR with different particle size (150–250 μm and 450–600μm) ... -
The effect of UV-irradiation on the thermal stability of modified urea-formaldehyde resins with thermally activated montmorillonite
(RAD Centre, 2021-06-14)The montmorillonite as a 2:1 smectite type clay has two tetrahedral sheets of silica sandwiching the alumina octahedral sheet. The particles of this mineral are plate-shaped with the thickness of 0.96 nm and an average ... -
The influence of the type of activation of the montmorillonite of hydrolytic stability of the urea-formaldehide nanocomposite
(University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, 2019-10-10)In this work the hydrolytic stability of nano-composites based on urea-formaldehyde resin (UF) and montmorillonite (K10) as formaldehyde scavenger was investigated. K10 was activated by sulfuric acid (H2SO4) with and without ... -
The effect of UV irradiation on hydrolytic stability of urea-formaldehyde resins filled with thermally modified montmorillonite
(RAD Centre, Niš, Serbia, 2019-06-10)The hydrolytic stability of organic-inorganic nano-composites prepared by a two-stage polymerization of urea-formaldehyde resin (UF) filled with thermally activated montmorillonite (MMT) has been assessed before and after ... -
The influence of modification and the particle size of the montmorillonite on the hydrolytic stability of urea-formaldehyde composite
(Materials Research Society of Serbia, 2019-09-02)Urea–formaldehyde (UF) resin adhesive is a polymeric condensation product of formaldehyde with urea and is considered as one of the most important wood adhesives. In spite of some advantages such as lower cost, fast curing, ... -
Determination of glass transition temperature and irradiation resistance of elastomeric materials based on chlorinated natural rubber
(RAD Association, 2018-06-18)Synthetic rubbers have different surface structures but benefit from chlorination. In many cases their tensile strength and extensibility is lower than natural rubber and for that reason more easily mechanically damaged. ... -
Effect of silica on the properties of elastomeric materials based on NR/BR/SBR ternary rubber blend
(University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Technology, Banja Luka, 2018-11-02)The effects of pyrogeneous silica on the mechanical properties of elastomeric materials based on natural rubber (NR), polybutadiene rubber (PB) and styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) are reported. For sample preparations the ... -
(Faculty of Management Herceg Novi, 2022-05-26)U ovom radu je izvršeno poređenje načina aktiviranja montmorilonita (MMT) K10 sa sadržajem formaldehida (FA) u urea-formaldehidnim (UF) kompozitima. Uzorci MMT-a K10 su aktivirani na dva načina: termički i pomoću sumporne ... -
Domestic material made by calcification of modified UF resins with incorporated Fe-particles-a sensitive platform for electroanalytical quantification of gallic acid.
(University "Union Nikola Tesla", Belgrad, Serbia, 2021-09-24)In this work, we present domestic high performance electrode material prepared by thermolysis of in situ synthesized urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins modified with Fe(III) nitrate. For comparison, material produced ...