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Now showing items 1-20 of 1189
Grapes and grape wine have played an important part in Serbian history, stretching back for thousands of years. Unfortunately, during the last decade the Republic of Serbia had devastating results in regard to the total ... -
25 година Међународне ликовне колоније Погановски манастир
(Центар за културу, Димитровград, 2018)У септембру 2017. године одржана је 25. Међународна ликовна колонија Погановски манастир. Поводом овог јубилеја организован је и округли сто на ком се дискутовало о досадашњем раду колоније и предлозима за њен будући живот. ... -
The 3D graph approach for breakdown voltage calculation in BaTiO3 ceramics
(World Scientific Publishing Company (WSPC), Сингапур, 2021)After pioneering attempts for the introduction of graph theory in the field of ceramics and microstructures, where 1D and 2D graphs were used, in this paper we applied 3D graphs for the breakdown voltage calculation in ... -
The achievements and vision of the European congress of integrative medicine ECIM 2018
(Alma Mater Europaea ECM in Slovenia, 2018-03-09)The aim of the congress is to promote health and develop integrated and sustainable treatment for acute and chronic diseases. Health is not just the absence of disease; it is a state of physical, mental, emotional ... -
Acryloylferrocene as a convenient precursor of tetrahydropyrazolopyrazolones: [3+2] cycloaddition with N,N′-Cyclic azomethine imines
(Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2018-04)AlCl3-Catalyzed [3 + 2] dipolar cycloaddition of the N,N′-cyclic azomethine imines to the acryloylferrocene enabling access to the series of 5-substituted 6-ferrocenoyl tetrahydropyrazolo [1,2-a]pyrazol-1(5H)-ones. This ... -
Adsorpcija boje indocijanin zeleno na površini nanocestica srebra i zlata
(Српско хемијско друштво, 2022-06-19)U poslednje vreme intenzivno se ispituju nanočestice metala za primenu u medicini kao nosači lekova i drugih biološki važnih molekula, koji bi poboljšali stabilnost leka i terapeutsku efikasnost. U ovom radu je ispitana ... -
Affective temperaments among adolescents (measured by A-TEMPS-A) and their correlations with Internet usage
(Prvi simpozijum Klinike za psihijatriju sa međunarodnim učešćem, 2019-11-14)Увод: На основу задатака Светске Здравствене Организације, Ментална Хигијена између осталог посебну пажњу посвећује менталном здрављу адолесцената. Због карактеристика адолесценције и чињенице да су адолесценти најчешћи ... -
Affective temperaments and problematic Internet use in Adolescence, 26th European Congress of Psychiatry
(Jurnal of European Psychiatry Association, 2018-03)Introduction.– Investigating temperament types in adolescents is very important. Studies have suggested that certain affective temperament types are considerably more important for the development of symptoms of certain ... -
Age and experience as factors in perception of English vowels.
(Филозофски факултет Косовска Митровица, 2019)The foreign accent (FA) phenomenon is one of the most common issues in second language acquisition (SLA). The factors causing its presence are various: as one of the most frequently mentioned are the differences in ... -
Agriculture of the Republic of Turkey (1923–1941) in the Light of Yugoslav Sources
(Филозофски факултет Косовска Митровица, 2020)Signing the Agreement on the Establishment of Friendly Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of Turkey and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (the Kingdom of Yugoslavia since 1929) on November 28, 1925, provided ... -
(Journal of Energy Technology, 2019-11)The purpose of this paper is to show that a significant increase in the ampacity of a 110 kV underground cable line is achievable, if a hydronic asphalt pavement system is applied along the entire line, and if the cable ... -
Analiza efekata primene GEOGEBRA-e na praćenje nastave geometrije
Istraživanja su pokazala da uprkos brojnim prednostima primene savremenih tehnologija u nastavi matematike sam proces uvođenja istih u učionice je spor i dosta složen. Upravo iz tih razloga, ovaj rad istražuje mogućnosti ... -
Analiza uticaja različitih građevinskih materijala na nivo radona u kućama starije gradnje
(Institut za nuklearne nauke „Vinča―Društvo za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 2019-10-04)Грађевински материјали (гранит, песак, шљунак, камен, и др.) садрже природне радионуклиде пореклом из земље. Да би анализирали утицај грађевинских материјала на концентрацију радона у објектима старије градње, спроведено ... -
Analiza visoke koncentracije radona u jednoj kući u rudarskom području kompleksa „Trepča“
Visoke koncentracije radona zabeležene su u jednoj kući u naselju Rudare u blizini rudarskog kompleksa “Trepča”. Ugljeni kanisteri izlagani po 48 sati u julu, novembru i decembru 2019 pokazali su vrednosti koncentracije ... -
Analysis and simulation of bioaccumulation of selected metals from contaminated soil
(Hemijska industrija, 2018)Cilj ovog rada je analiza i simulacija procesa bioakumulacije jona Pb2+, Cd2+ i Zn2+ iz aluvijalnog zemljišta, praćenjem njihove koncentracije pre i nakon zasada biljaka. Simulacijom procesa bioakumulacije razvijen je i ... -
Analysis of adaptive e‐learning systems with adjustment of Felder‐Silverman model in a Moodle DLS
(Wiley, 2020-05-07)E‐learning, as a complex system, includes distance learning, teaching materials in various forms and shapes, group and individual learning processes, as well as interactive and tutorial work. To increase the effectiveness ... -
Analysis of ecological territorial risk by methods of multidimensional statistics
В работе рассмотрены водные экосистемы как элементы единой социально природно-техногенной системы, предлагаемой для решения задач управления развитием промышленных территорий. Для оценки территориальных рисков водных ... -
An analysis of energy efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) applied in smart agriculture
(Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2019-01)In this paper the usage of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) in smart agriculture applications was analyzed. The main focus of the paper is on the power consumption of the various WSN components, on the both levels, physical ... -
Analysis of geodesics on different surfaces
It is widely known that some surfaces contain special curves as a geodesics, while a lots of geodesics on surface have complicated shapes. Goal of this research is to find on what surfaces are u- and v- parameter curves ... -
Analysis of swqi index of the river Ibar (Serbia)
(Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018)The characterization of water quality is based on data from five hydrological measuring stations along the Ibar River flow through Serbia for the period from 2007 to 2013.The paper presents a new approach to surface water ...